Spoke.ai SOC 2 Compliance

Max Brenssell | Co-Founder
October 24, 2023

Spoke.ai is SOC 2 compliant 🔐

At Spoke.ai, we pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to security, ethical data practices, and the responsible application of artificial intelligence. We understand that when building AI-first software, data privacy, security, and ethical data usage are more than just buzzwords—they're essential pillars that dictate the trust our users place in us.

We are delighted to announce a significant milestone in our journey: Spoke.ai is SOC 2 Type II compliant as of October 2023. This achievement not only exemplifies our dedication to upholding the highest security standards but also reinforces our promise to always place our users' trust at the forefront.

Why is SOC 2 important?

For those unfamiliar, SOC 2 is a testament to a company’s robust data security practices. Conducted by external auditors, this standard ensures that a company not only has stringent security policies in place but also rigorously adheres to them.

Being SOC 2 compliant gives us a great basis for further data privacy & security initiatives:

  • Data Minimization: We constantly evaluate the necessity of every piece of data we hold. Our focus remains on ensuring that only essential data is retained, and only for as long as it adds value to our users.
  • Anonymization & Pseudonymization: We prioritize the anonymity of the data we process. Slack messages that are processed for AI-generated summaries undergo rigorous anonymization with proprietary technologies before they are accessed by our internal APIs or LLMs. All data is fully encrypted using AES-256 at rest, and RSA-2048 in transit. This commitment ensures that personally identifiable information remains protected at all times.
  • Consistent Compliance: While we're headquartered in Germany and already adhere to GDPR, our pursuit of global standards like SOC 2 showcases our commitment to universal best practices in data security.
  • Ongoing Dedication: Our journey doesn’t end here. We are also on track to achieve our ISO 27001 certification in 2024. These milestones are a testament to our  pursuit of establishing and upholding the highest information security standards from day one.

Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Responsibility

Certifications are only our first step in safeguarding your data. In today's AI-centric world, ethical considerations take center stage. Spoke.ai, at its heart, is dedicated to building AI products with a keen sense of responsibility. We are proactive in detecting and countering harmful content, like gender bias. For example, we remove all gendered pronouns from our generated content and continually review our models to diminish potential biases or harmful outputs.

A Testament to Trust

Our SOC 2 compliance is more than just a badge — it's a commitment. A commitment to our users that we will consistently prioritize their privacy and data security. Our mission has always been to offer innovative AI products without compromising on ethical considerations and security protocols.

As we continue to pioneer in the AI space, our pledge to data privacy, security, and ethical practices remains key. We understand the immense responsibility that comes with handling data and promise to uphold the trust you've placed in us, every step of the way.

For more insights on our security protocols and data practices, we invite you to explore our Security page or reach out directly to our dedicated team at security@spoke.ai.

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