Spoke Product Change Log 2024: Week 05

Jack Lancaster | Co-founder & CPO
February 6, 2024

It’s time for our second change log of this year and I am excited to share what we’ve shipped in only the past two weeks!

Incredibly proud of what the team is pulling off! But don't just take my word for it, check it out for yourself ⬇️

✅ Action points

You are now able to distinguish between conversations and actions points.

This enables you to quickly change tabs and see what requires your immediate attention.

More about the problem:

Conversations and dialogues in our day-to-day work usually result in actions. You can now see all of these actions in one view. No searching for specific conversations anymore. Go straight to where you need to be. And the best part? Take action right way. Jump to the respective Slack message, Notion document or Linear Ticket that requires your attention.

💎 UX improvements to the side bar

You can now switch between All open conversation and open conversations in that particular channel you’re working in.

More about the problem:  

We often find ourselves working at a specific task or answering a particular conversation and then thinking: “What’s next?”You don’t have to go all the way back to the inbox anymore to find that answer. You now have all your open conversation, but can also easily switch to the ones that are open in the particular channel you’re working in. Fly through your work without missing any important things and action things right away.

🔎 Enhanced search function (Opt + CMD + K)

Your search in Spoke has just been upgraded. Easily jump to wherever you need to in seconds by hitting “Opt + CMD + K”.

Spoke highlights the five most recent conversations for you.

More about the problem:  

Searching for information or quickly jumping to the conversation you want to see or answer is what we’re used to nowadays. Wherever you are working within Spoke, you can always jump straight to a conversation you’re looking for with the click of a button.

Thanks for reading and speak soon!

Jack 💜

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